After EXIT presented No Sleep Festival’s „zero“ edition at Petrovaradin Fortress in 2017, which gathered over 20,000 techno lovers and featured acts like Jeff Mills, Ellen Allien, Paula Temple, Rebekah, Vladimir Ivkovic and Jane Fitz, this year’s edition will be a whole new festival taking place in Belgrade from 16 to 18 November! The new […]
On its 18th edition EXIT celebrated the Best Major European festival title with 200.000 visitors! The 18th EXIT festival held on the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia, finished on Monday morning, with nearly 200.000 visitors walking through its gates in the four days and nights of the festival! Won for the second time in […]
His moniker may be „The Baron of Techno“, but we can also permanently add „King of Electro“ to Dave Clarke’s titles for his 30 year plus passion and support to the genre. This year ADE will see the fitfh edition of his electro-centric party „Whip It“ at Melkweg Amsterdam on 20 October. On the line […]
This year’s Balaton Sound was attended by a record amount of people, with 165,000 visitors over five days. This number is 8,000 visitors higher than 2016’s record-breaking year. Festival-goers from nearly 60 countries were present at Europe’s coolest beach festival, Balaton Sound. The strongest day of the festival was Saturday when 40,000 visitors showed up […]
The countdown to EXIT festival, twice a winner of the “Best Major European Festival” award, is on, with over 1000 music stars set to perform at more than 30 festival stages from 12 to 15 July at collossal and unique Petrovaradin Fortress (biggest of its kind in Europe) in Novi Sad, Serbia. One of the […]
Das FILMFEST MÜNCHEN zieht Bilanz: rund 80.000 BesucherInnen, mehr Branchenveranstaltungen denn je und erfolgreiche Livestreams. Eine eigene Sprache zu finden, sich selbst treu zu bleiben, Widerstand zu leisten. All das verbindet die vier kompromisslosen Ehrengäste des 36. FILMFEST MÜNCHEN: Emma Thompson, Terry Gilliam, Lucrecia Martel und Philip Gröning wie auch die zahlreichen weiteren internationalen Gäste […]
The 53rd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, a non-specialized festival with three competitive categories, took place from June 29th to July 7 th this year. It was organized by Film Servis Festival Karlovy Vary, a.s., with Jiří Bartoška as president of the festival and Karel Och as an artistic director. The 54th Karlovy Vary IFF will […]
Das zweite Event der dreiteiligen T-Mobile Eventreihe „Crowd & Rüben“ presented by Electronic Beats findet am 28. Juli 2018 am Pyramidenkogel in Kärnten statt. Main-Act ist das Tech-House-DJ-Duo Pleasurekraft – das Event ist frei zugänglich (first come, first served) und bedarf lediglich einer Online-Anmeldung. Kärnten. Kleine bezaubernde Städtchen, satte grüne Wälder, azurblaue Seen und harter, markdurchdringender Techno-Sound? Klingt auf den ersten Blick […]
Visual arts at the 22nd Pohoda will be the strongest in the history of our festival. Its main part will consist of art works within the Visual Stage. The grounds will host the work of Ilona Németh Hľadisko pre Pohodu (Auditorium for Pohoda), Mega Viki by Viktor Frešo, and Minaret. We will honour the big […]
One of Hungary’s most important touristic events, the 26. Telekom VOLT Festival ended at dawn on Sunday with 152.000 people arrived to Sopron, for the five-day program. It was impossible to find accommodation in Sopron and its surrounding areas, including nearby villages in Austria, during the Telekom VOLT Festival. This year’s festival was characterized by a […]