Die „Poolinale Talks„ eröffnen das Musikfilmfestival heuer mit einem hochinteressanten Workshop für Kreative im Umfeld der Musikwirtschaft, mit einer Podiumsdiskussion zur digitalen Verwertungszukunft und dem Gesamtmotto „Digital ist besser“. Dazu präsentieren wir die Nominierten für die inzwischen vierte Auflage des Österreichischen Musikvideopreises gemeinsam mit den Vienna Independent Shorts. Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltungen an diesem 14. […]
The film A War by Danish director Tobias Lindholm will be released in Czech cinemas on April 28, 2016, under the KVIFF Distribution label. Following Sorrentino‘s Youth, this marks the second joint effort between the Karlovy Vary IFF, Czech Television and Aerofilms, which together comprise the distribution label. Their objective is to offer cinemas the […]
The Snowbombing Road Trip rolled into Mayrhofen on Sunday 3 April, heralding the official start of the Snowbombing 2016! Europe’s most entertaining car rally, journeyed across 4 countries in 2 days, with 220 Snowbombers in a convoy of 69 cars, taking in the sights as they cruised along the Autobahn to the final destination to […]
Filatov & Karas, Goldie, Shy FX & MC Stamina, S.A.R.S. and Who See also set to arrive at Jaz Beach! The author behind the most important tracks in electronic music, and the musical force of the legendary group Faithless, Sister Bliss arrives to the Dance Paradise stage on 14 July, performing on the third day of […]
Lighthouse Festival is an effort led by Pratersauna Vienna, with additional backup by satellite clubs, promoters, labels, media from all over our aesthetic neighborhood. It is as a cross boarder underground electronic music festival and the season opener for Central Europe (AT, D, CH) & Adriatic Coast (HR, SLO, IT). Among all of Croatia’s festivals […]
Another batch of big names has been added to the lineup of Pohoda Festival which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Young and popular London-based band The Vaccines will bring rock ‘n’ roll and post-punk and one of the most sought after DJs on the planet, Nina Kraviz, will supply festival-goers with techno. The […]
One of the most influential music icons of today, Skrillex, will play at beautiful Jaz beach named Europe’s best beach by Lonely Planet, for a spectacular opening of Sea Dance Festival on 14 July! As we get prepared for his performances we would like to show you glimpse of the music magic expecting you at Jaz beach with killer Skrillex live video performing at […]
Sziget is happy to announce Rihanna as the Day 0 headliner of the Island of Freedom. The week-long festival holiday is held between 10-17 August, 2016. Rihanna is one of the most successful and talented singers of today. The 28-year-old icon is the youngest female artist who has achieved 14 number one singles, won 8 […]
Die Poolinale ist ein 2011 gegründetes Musikfilmfestival in Wien. Die Leitfarbe des Festivals für 2016 trägt den wunderschönen Namen einhornbunt. Das äußere Erscheinungsbild samt Drucksorten und Sujets trägt diese Farbe(n). (2011: schwarz, 2012: bordeaux, 2013: graphit, 2014: smaragd, 2015: Pfirsicheis). Heute präsentieren wir den ersten Teil des Festivalprogramms für 2016. EARLYBIRD FESTIVALPÄSSE sind bereits unter ntry.at/poolinale2016 erhältlich. Dieser […]
Das verlässliche Grande Finale der Festival Saison! Es gibt ihn doch, den Grund sich jetzt schon auf den Sommerausklang zu freuen. Denn von 2. bis 4. September versetzt das VIENNA SUMMERBREAK FESTIVAL die Hauptstadt wieder mit heißen Sounds und bombastischen Events in den Party-Ausnahmezustand. Seit 2010 bilden der NIGHTRIDE by Wiener Linien, die legendäre Streetparade […]